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Rhetorica's blog

I have given it a bit of much-needed polishing; user profiles are now naturally linked to their neighbours on using transparent aliasing. It wasn't much work to put it together, but in combination with some other minor improvements to the Bug template and a quick implementation of the To Do page, it means that the core mechanism of code is complete. […]
Samantics comment   read more (290 bytes) · 8452.601 tgc / 2012.941 ce


Things to do in now < t < later:

  • Get comfortable with Unix.

  • Build cathedrals in CLisp.

  • Develop a huge and awesome game, like, yesterday. I guess that's realistically going to be in Javascript.

  • Objective Cadre.

  • Write a book in Lilitic.

  • CORRECTION: Everything will now be done in C++.
    Samantics comment   8452.433 tgc / 2012.621 ce

    Gamification of Reference Checking

    For Wikipedia or similar, inspired by recent news[…]
    Samantics comment   read more (2636 bytes) · 8452.304 tgc / 2012.375 ce


    A while ago, I had an idea for a program that I called Haspina (a Lilitic word, meaning 'magic spells'.) The goal was to take the simple principle of living text, and push it as far as it could go: automatic hyperlinks, spelling correction, math, code execution, geographical annotation, filename and command name completion, generation of real-time graphs, reformatting and indentation, set completion, internal document linking, embedded files, music interpretation, figure-drawing from a very simple command language, thesaurus, et cetera. Everything in Hypercard, Emacs, Wolfram Alpha, Google's calculator features, and as many of Bret Victor's ideas about how to improve Javascript editing as possible. At the time I was thinking I would try to implement a Haskell interpreter inside of it as the native language, since Haskell maps well to conventional mathematical forms and isn't as parenthetically hungry as Lisp.  […]
    Samantics comment   read more (1254 bytes) · 8452.209 tgc / 2012.196 ce

    The PCA Song

    There was a time, when to analyze EM waves,
    You had to store tons and tons of tiny values.
    Then along came a guy named Dr. Karl Pearson,
    Said you can store signals in vectors, just as well.  […]
    Samantics comment   read more (714 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.056 ce

    Just Ice - DHMO

    It's always the same
    Always ashamed
    The proton-binding
    When I can come in
    To a hopeless electrolyte
    But one more time
    my answer stands
    I swear I mean "no offence"
    But you better learn to read
    it's all 'bout electrochemistry  […]
    Samantics comment   read more (627 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.056 ce


    itsMyParty(Me, Party) :-
        belongs(Party, Me), want_to(Me, cry) -> cry(Me),
        want_to(Me, cry) -> cry(Me),
        want_to(Me, cry) -> cry(Me),
        happened(It, You) -> cry(You), !,
    Samantics comment   read more (1510 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.056 ce

    Graduate School Supplication

    (Required) Please attach and upload a PDF containing a 1000-word essay describing why you are interested specifically in attending the University of Bogos. Do not include any material that may apply to other institutions. Applicants will be evaluated primarily on their ability to appeal to the President's thirst for self-indulgence. In addition, please meet the following criteria:  […]
    Samantics comment   read more (1 comment, 745 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.056 ce

    The Franklin Strand

    I once asked this of a first-year biology professor, who had been brought up thoroughly English and spoke of "Watson" and "Crick" strands, greatly confusing those of us who knew only of coding and template (or anti-coding) strands. Her response was that I was very clever and possibly after her heart—but I think I finally have an answer.  […]
    Samantics comment   read more (352 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.056 ce

    Backronym Generator!


    1. If the abbreviation does not contain A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, or Y, then I wasn't clever enough to come up with a noun for these words, and the algorithm fails.

    2. Find the last letter in the word that is A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, or Y, and assign it a random noun from the list of nouns that start with that letter.

    3. Assign random adjectives from the "prefixes" table to the letters that precede the one chosen as the noun. Optionally, assign the entire string to the first letter (creating a recursive backronym)

    4. Assign random adjectives from the "suffixes" table to the remaining letters.  […]
    Samantics read more (3 comments, 1363 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.056 ce

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